From the rusty shell of a car to a top vehicle in perfect condition. Save up some money and buy your own ride and make it pristine. When you are done upgrading your workshop it’s time for a project car. Each mission offers a unique set of requirements and challenges that you’ll have to face. If you’re up for a bigger challenger – try putting yourself to the test in specially-crafted story missions. Some of them might have hidden gems – if you can find them.Īn infinitely generated number of orders will keep you busy for a while. If you feel lucky you can give it a crack in the barn. Pay a visit to a new Auction house and buy cars in various conditions. Repair, fix, test, paint, tune and rebuild cars. Expand your range of services by investing in a new work space and equipment. Roll up your sleeves and immerse yourself in a crazy-real garage environment. Get ready to work on 4000+ unique parts and over 72 cars. Get your hands dirty in a super-realistic simulation game that has incredibly realistic detail. Start as a fresh owner of a car garage and work your way to a service empire. Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 is new production with a well-established player base.